Why Would You Read a Sales Blog From Someone Who Feels Like the L Word?

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What a loser!

I had an abysmal Q4/ possibly one of the worst of my careers from a revenue standpoint.

I came in last by a mile among my partners.

My results were so bad, I actually considered quitting the blog.

“What gives me the right to talk sales after such a performance” I said to self.


Feeling like a Loser is not a good look for a salesperson.

While talking to a friend about my self-induced predicament, he chuckled and told me to read Life in the Sales Lane.

Remember who you are…

Are You a Problem-Identifier or a Problem Solver?

I know why I screwed the pooch so badly.

I tried doing too many things at once and lost focus of the fundamentals;

Spent too much time chasing opportunities I knew were long shots;

Grew frustrated, at times desperate and my communication probably reflected it.


Despite a looming deadline, I waited too long to start my heavy-offense campaign in an industry with a long sales cycle on top of  Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years on the horizon.

I didn’t ask for no early enough.

Getting a definitive NO  when I sensed they were tire-kickers would’ve freed me of fruitless follow up.

Time is our most valuable asset.


I engaged my auto-pilot sales mode more than halfway through the year thinking that my usual M.O. and irresistible charm would shine through like before.

I left tens of thousands on the table.

Exactly how much I don’t care to calculate for fear of jumping off the sidewalk.


This is hard truth to admit.

There are no excuses, simply the onus of making a series of bad decisions and having a major case of happy ears.


One quarter isn’t a reflection of my whole sales career, but it does sting like a Mofo.

I’ve failed before…

But despite the anger, frustration and embarrassment of a colossal quarter, I’m ready for 2020.


Christmas break 2019 is a working holiday.

  1. Get into hair and makeup
  2. Prepare to grind
  3. Move the ball down the field

In the world of 100% commission sales, you can only feel sorry for yourself for so long before reality kicks you upside the head.

Feeling like the L Word is temporary // giving up is permanent.

Dejected hero from a bad day in sales

Loser-Mentality Lessons

Earlier this year, I wrote about the state of play in the Sales industry.

I could see and feel it happening around me but not to me.

Until it did.


The enterprise sale is trickier these days but far from impossible.

My advice to my 2020 self is to research deeper than before, connect on social channels more and don’t chase a prospect that doesn’t want to be a client.

Instead, foster the relationship until they do.


Ask more investigative questions and don’t cower from challenging the prospect.

Game on son.


While we’re at it, remember the basics and don’t take anyone’s word when they say we can talk again in a couple weeks.

Even rookies know those 14 days turn into the week of never.

Schedule next steps when you have their ear.

Chase only quality opportunities.

Show don’t tell.

Re-introduce old-school techniques (handwritten notes) and implement video email.

Differentiate my brother!

To Be a Good Loser is to Learn How to Win – Carl Sandburg

They’ll always be more than can be done to avoid Loser status.

And while re-familiarizing myself with the basics, I’m also adjusting my attitude.

“It is your attitude, more than your aptitude, that will determine your altitude.” – Ziglar 


I get to do what I love.

So remain grateful and don’t forget to have fun.

Last but not least – persistence always pays off!


These may be things you’re already doing so thanks for indulging me.

Hell, I was doing most of these before becoming complacent.


Having been in Sales for so long, I see where I went astray.

It’s like the veteran football player who skips training camp and practices cos he thinks he’s seen it all.


What he fails to realize is that while he was polishing his championship rings, the game changed.

The players became more agile with better resources than before.

The old moves still have legs but need to be refined.


Oh, and by the way.

I totally changed my mind about quitting it all and jumping off the sidewalk.



As you’ve probably guessed by now;

I don’t always read my blog but when I do, I learn something old and something new.

To your success…


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