What to Do When You Get Fired From a Sales Job

Reading Time: 6 minutes
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The day you get fired feels like your world’s about to collapse.

It’s fire and brimstone, hell and fury, banishment – the works.


You rehash every situation you think may have been grounds for your dismissal.

That movie plays over and over in your head.

And depending on how things ended, you may never even know why you lost the gig.


“All states recognize at-will employment. However, some states place limitations on it”. Rocket Lawyer

At-will employment means: “An employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish “just cause” for termination), and without warning, as long as the reason is not illegal (e.g. firing because of the employee’s race or religion)”.

Even if you were the consummate Sales professional for X number of years, they can still fire your ass without explanation.


So there you are, down and out on the street, hound-dogging like someone just whacked your puppy on the same day you found out Santa’s a fraud.

It’s hard to think clearly in that moment.

No amount of Cracker Jack consolation prizes can lift you up.

You’ve gotta sit with the fear and loss until you can see the bigger picture.

All Fired Up and Nowhere to Go

It’s happened to me and besides being embarrassed at having to tell people I got canned, I was furious.

How dare you fire a black man the day after MLK day!

If only it had happened during a Sunday game on the grid iron, the red flag would’ve have been thrown with the crowd chanting, “THAT WAS A BULL$&*% CALL ZEBRA!


But, in the real world (when you’re not famous), there aren’t thousands of cheering fans, instant replays or slow mo to vindicate you.

Alone on that sidewalk carrying a pitiful box of supplies, it’s your word against the world’s as to what really happened in there.

Believe it or not, the dust does settle and 20/20 returns.


First thing to do when fired is call a relative or a friend you confide in.

Find refuge where you won’t be judged or made to feel worse.

Sure, they’ll probably tell you everything’s gonna be fine which you won’t believe.

But, simply hearing words of encouragement can make hope a reality.

African American Woman Binge Watching After loss in the Sales Lane C

Take a few days off to recover, binge watch your favorite stories and sleep in.

But don’t forget, there’s still a whole world right outside your window.


Understand those feelings of anger and hopelessness, as real as they appear, are temporary.

Then, do the unthinkable.

Log into your bank account.

If nothing else, this should wake you up.

Eventually, the necessities of paying for life kick your butt into high gear faster than you can find the words to eulogize your invisible puppy.

Reconstructing the Deconstructed

And so begins the rebuilding process.


Either you messed up on the job and got axed or you did nothing wrong and got axed anyway.

It’s odd to think of a salesperson getting walking papers for no obvious reason but it happens.


Companies are made up of people and people have agendas.

Sometimes, theirs may not align with yours.

And if they hold the purse strings, they can cut them at the drop of a hat.


Your first few days after being fired are an administrative nightmare.

There’s no escaping it.

You’ve got to power through and close out with HR, return cars or equipment, handle insurance, sign exit docs and wipe the slate clean.


Luckily, all this can be done from the comforts of home in your jam-jams.

And as rough as this patch is, it’s liberating to close out the books on an organization that didn’t appreciate your unique gifts and talents.

Good riddance!

Playing With Fired

Even if you didn’t slay your goals or party in Cabo with the Presidents Club, you understand business, strategy and hitting it hard because you’re in Sales.

That Sales mentality will help you rise from the rubble.

It’s stressful, but as you make moves, you realize there’s a bigger opportunity.

Get creative, now’s the time to explore your options.


And while some folks never get their a-ha moment, others are blessed by it in trying times.

Maybe this is that…


As you catch up on Netlix and Prime, you decide you don’t want to be in a place where someone can take away your ability to earn a living ever again.

Who knows?

Is this a sign to do that thing you’ve never had the guts to before?

 African American Male in the Mirror Preparing for the Sales Lane

Building Momentum

If and when you decide to go back into the work force, revamp your story and let the world know you’re open for business.

Prepare yourself mentally for the interview process.

Why you’re no longer with the old company since being fired is a beast of a question but it can be addressed honestly and positively.


Where there disciplinary issues involved in your firing?

See a counselor or professional that can sign off on your recent progress and vouch for you.

Did you not meet Sales quotas and that’s why they told you to hit the bricks?

Get a coach and keep a record of your receipts and certificates.

Was it health-related?

This is highly personal so don’t divulge too much


Prior to the interview, rehearse your answers in the mirror.

You’ll have to trim the fat here since most tend to over-dramatize and share every tiny detail.

This approach has righteous rant and talkaholic written all over it.

So do yourself a favor.

Nix the negative narrative and push positive instead.

Why Were You Fired?

Address the question with the utmost confidence, direct eye contact and commanding body language letting the interviewer know being fired was a lesson and not a sentence.

Answer without pause.

If you hesitate, it looks as if you’re waiting for a reaction.

The interviewer won’t scold you for something that didn’t happen on their watch.

Remember, you’re here, you’re strong, you’ve moved on.

Act as if.

  • Highlight the positive changes you’ve made since you were let go.
  • Talk about your previous successes without disparaging your old bosses or company.
  • Consolidate your experiences and how they’ve refined your abilities.
  • Mention how these lessons align with the requirements of the job you’re interviewing for.

Prior to interviewing, have your ducks in a row:

This includes contacting someone from your old company for a reference.

It shows, even though you were told to pound sand, you’re still respected.

And as a rule for references, aim for a superior first, settle for a colleague second and a subordinate last.

Here, I should add that you don’t go flying off the handle and cause physical harm to anyone.

No good reference can come from the ashes of destruction.

Fighting Fire With Fire Life in the Sales Lane

Fight Fired With Fire

People get fired all the time.

They find the inner strength to stop feeling sorry for themselves and move forward.

Luckily, nobody’s died.

And not to mention, we live in a world with an infinite amount of second chances.

Some of them belong to you.

Hiring managers interview people who’ve been fired, down-sized, took time off for health reasons or to raise kids, constantly.

Everybody’s got a story.

Sell yours by clock-wising the negative and turning it upside down.


I ended up in Legal Services after being fired from a Biz Dev Manager role in Financial Services.

I bounced back fast.

Above all, my accidental shift in careers has allowed me advancement in a new industry, the pursuit of new goals and dreaming bigger than I had before.

In other words, being fired was the best thing that could’ve happened.


My firing came from HQ in New York.

And even though I was told to kick rocks, I still received a stellar reference from my Sales Manager here in California.

In retrospect, it’s probably the reason I found work so quickly afterwards.


Maybe you know these things already, but just in case you need a refresher:

The 12 Step Recovery Guide for Just Having Been Fired From a Sales Job
  1. Allow yourself the time and space to adjust to a new reality
  2. Forgive yourself for getting fired.
  3. Do things that make you feel better about yourself
  4. Enjoy the time off
  5. Take a vacation if you can afford it
  6. Music: Play it or go see it!
  7. Family
  8. Join a gym.
  9. Hone your craft: Sales books, videos, classes and conferences.
  10. Lay off the party favors: Unemployment is an invitation to abuse.
  11. Steer clear of anything and anyone that robs you of your ambition.
  12. “Splash cold water on your face and go outside.You’ll notice things are right where you left them.” – Carla 

“Sometimes in the winds of change, we find our true direction.”

6 Replies to “What to Do When You Get Fired From a Sales Job”

    1. Thanks for the lesson learned and the positive outlook for a better future by saying how you turned things around. I was in the car business for 20 years this month and got fired because I spoke my mind professionally to by managers without being a butt kisser. Was always #1 in every category. I went from sales to service and became the top service manager in the 1st year. After being let go for no reason, I’m looking to start a business on how to fire your boss before getting fired. Started a cleaning business two months ago and it’s going a little slow for now. Just can’t go back to being in a position to be fired again.

      1. Hi Derrick! I appreciate you stopping by and reading – thank you. Sorry to hear about losing your job. I had the same thing happen too cos I also refused to kiss ass. Sometimes it takes a minute to realize the goodbye and good riddance so hang in there. Starting is the hard part:-)

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