Life in the Sales Lane

Plan-demic: Everyone’s Got a Plan Till They Get Punched in the Mouth

We’ve just been punched in the mouth and evidenced by feckless leadership, at least here in the US, there wasn’t much of a plan for such a blow.

The long-term repercussions of the country’s No Plan/ Plan are too early to predict but by all accounts, we’ll feel this hit for many years.

Any way you slice it, the lack of preparedness has proven costly.


For the first time in our lifetimes, the entire globe’s population awakens to the same nightmare.

It’s a pivotal time in existence.

So much so, that those being born right now have already been penned as Coronials, Covidians, Quarantennials and Covid Kids.

But until there’s widely-available testing or a vaccine, every human interaction is at risk regardless of when you were born.


As salespeople, we must adapt and the sooner, the better.

Whether you’re salary + commission, 100% commission Sales and/ or have savings – you need a sustainable plan that doesn’t rely on government cheese.


Selling right now is touchy and I’m sure you’ve seen your share of Pandemic Sales Plans online.

There isn’t one way to sell during C-19 but there are some basic guidelines and principles you should adhere to.


Here’s the Truth Ruth

What we know is that companies we sell into are facing real challenges.

Regardless of how game-changing our solutions are, they’re not priorities for buyers.

And unless your product directly solves a Covid19 issue, you should re-evaluate your 2020 sales plan.


As a B2B salesperson, you actually have choices during this pandemonium.

Good people in other walks of life are being laid-off and unemployment claims are at an all-time record high.

Salespeople can still earn.

We just need to be intentional and more creative.

Self-Sabotage Man Planning to Fail

Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail

With most companies relegating their people to work from home, this is an Opportunity.

When the craziness subsides, your managers and leaders will have choices to make.

They’ll evaluate Sales numbers, activity, operating costs, incidentals and other expenses tied to daily-bound office employees.

They’ll compare those stats to the pre-Covid19 days.

What they find is up to you.


By using this time to implement a solid sales plan, you may earn privileges.

The privilege to work from home permanently or at least occasionally.

By increasing your activity, you’re building a case.

You’re proving you can thrive without supervision.

Once noticed, you can leverage this resourcefulness to work from home permanently/ post-pandemic.

Basic Guidelines and Principles

Sure, this all looks great on toilet paper but how does one put it into practice.

First, ask yourself these questions since the answer(s) dictate how you sell and to whom.

Make a New Plan Stan:

  1. Identify which of the above scenarios best fits your situation and create a sales plan
    a. When reaching out to let clients know you’re still operating at full capacity, schedule a call to discuss new product lines or provide discounted rates
    b. By scheduling a call at their convenience, you’re being respectful of their current challenges and remaining flexible during this difficult time
  2. Define and re-define your target market and opportunities
    a. During the normal course of the quarter or year, we get sidetracked into focusing on projects that don’t grow our pipelines
    b. Re-evaluate your target and dream clients. Remind yourself of why you want them as clients.
  3. Look at CRM notes and get to know your prospects again
    a. Salespeople get into the habit of calling prospects blindly without paying attention to what transpired a few months or a year back
    b. Take a closer look at the notes from unresponsive prospects and re-frame the Sales narrative based on current products and global events / C-19

In my role, I don’t have superiors dictating my activity or how I spend my days.

But I understand you may not have the same latitude and could be required to sell with reckless abandon in spite of Covid19.

Still, the goal remains the same: Serving our audience and growing our books of business.

All of this can be done on or off the clock.

And within this sales directive, you decide when it’s appropriate to prospect and how hard.


During 9/11:

People needed to know when it was sensible to move forward without being out of line.


We in Sales are faced with similar challenges.

The worst thing we can do right now is be insensitive and single-minded.

We need to be empathetic towards prospects and listen more intently.

And continue to sell through this chapter of our lives.


  1. Set a schedule
  2. Don’t get distracted by the news, dishes, roommates, pets, memes
  3. Set ‘office’ (no interruptions) and lunch hours (social media, gossip, pet your pet)
  4. Shower: Great place to come up with ideas and strategize, seriously
  5. Don’t work in the clothes you slept in
  6. Research: This is the perfect time to map out companies, identify decision-making trees and sleuth out
  7. Clean up your CRM: You’re not commuting so you got time
  8. Take an online Sales course, read books and Life in the Sales Lane
  9. Get continuing education credits or study for a professional license
  10. Tap your network for referrals
  11. Take it easy on the booze and recreationals
  12. Get exercise and fresh air/ with a mask
  13. Check in on your loved ones/ often

Cold Leads

Warm Leads


No Need to Get Ready When You’re Ready

I don’t know what you sell or who you sell to.

During Covid19 and the many months we’ll deal with its effects, use your best judgement when approaching prospects.

As you’ve probably figured out, now isn’t the best time to call hospitals in New York unless what you sell saves lives.


These actions determine your future privileges and employment.

Don’t get sucked into the Daily Disaster News Reports, grow complacent or procrastinate.

Stay ready and mind your business.



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